Your gums are a vital part of your oral health. Gum disease is an unfortunately common dental issue, with more than 75% of adults experiencing some form of the ailment at some point in their lives. If you want to keep your gums happy and healthy, you need to take care of them properly. Here are ways you can keep your gums, and mouth in general, in top shape between dental visits.

Brush your gums

Brushing isn't just for teeth, it's beneficial for your gums as well. Get your gum circulation flowing by brushing the roots of your teeth and your gum line in a gentle circular motion every time you brush. This removes plaque that can creep into your gums and dislodges food particles that can invite harmful bacteria.

Rinse often

Within a few minutes of eating or drinking sugary substances, rinse your mouth out with water. This helps keep your teeth and gums safer from cavity-causing debris. You should also rinse your mouth out after eating foods that can commonly get stuck in your teeth or gums, such as

  • nuts and seeds
  • steak
  • salad
  • seeded fruits

Rinsing your mouth with water shortly after eating or drinking allows you to dislodge offending food particles from your gums, which can keep infection and inflammation at bay. Keep a bottle of water nearby after snacking so you can always be ready to give your mouth a healthy boost.

Be diligent with your oral routine

The best way to take care of your gums and keep your overall oral health in check is to be diligent with your routine in brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth. Brush twice a day, floss once a day, and use a mouthwash at the end of the day to keep bacteria at bay. When you go in for your regular dental checkups, you can talk to your dentist about any other techniques you can use to improve your oral health, such as using an electric toothbrush, changing to a different toothpaste, or even brushing more frequently.

Your oral health is important to you, and having swollen, bleeding, or painful gums is a sign that you may be facing gum disease. You can avoid this common adult ailment by performing regular oral care at home in between your regular dental visits. If you experience extreme pain in one or more areas of your mouth or notice a foul-smelling discharge from your gums while cleaning your teeth, contact your dentist to schedule an appointment.
