Having your misaligned teeth corrected does not have to mean that your appearance will be marred by large pieces of metal affixed to the front of your teeth. There are many different discrete orthodontic options that may be suitable for aligning your teeth. Here are several of them:

Lingual Braces

As their name suggests, lingual braces are positioned next to your teeth. Most traditional alignment options are displayed on the front of the teeth, making them quite noticeable to observers. However, lingual braces are on the area of the teeth that is not easily seen when a person speaks or smiles. As a result, onlookers may not even know that a person with lingual braces has the application installed.

Lingual braces function in the same manner as traditional braces. Their placement is simply different. There is still a metal archwire that is attached to the metal brackets using elastic ligatures. Thus, the braces are generally able to straighten or correct the same alignment issues as traditional metal braces that are affixed to the front of the teeth.

Because lingual braces do not obstruct the natural movement of the lips, they may be preferred alignment options for people who blow wind instruments or play sports that involve a high level of contact. With braces that are worn on the front of the teeth, the lips have to be moved in a manner to compensate for the extra girth on the front side of the teeth. In addition, a blow to the mouth and can cause the inner lips to be torn by metal brackets.

Invisible Plastic Aligners

Invisible aligners can also straighten the teeth in a discreet manner. Plastic aligning trays can even be removed during episodes of brushing, flossing or eating, so they don't hamper your lifestyle. Still, plastic aligners must be worn for the majority of the day in order to treat a misalignment effectively. In fact, people who wear invisible aligners must not allow the trays to remain out of place more than a couple of hours each day.

The invisible aligning trays are usually made of plastic material that does not contain harmful substances, such as BPA. The firm plastic helps push the teeth into proper alignment.

A series of trays is given to the orthodontic patient to gradually shift the teeth into their proper position. Each set of trays in the series is worn for a couple of weeks before being exchanged for the next set in the progression.

To determine the best discreet alignment option for your teeth, schedule an appointment with an orthodontist in your area or click here for more info.
