Porcelain dental veneers are quickly gaining popularity in cosmetic dentistry; although they're slightly more expensive than composite veneers, porcelain naturally resists stains from common sources such as coffee, red wine, and cigarettes. In addition, they're quite strong and resistant to scratches. If you're interested in getting porcelain dental veneers, you may be wondering how easy it is to keep them looking great. Thankfully, they require very little in the way of special care beyond what you're already doing for good dental hygiene. Below is a brief summary of the special considerations you'll need to keep in mind to care for veneers.

Restock Your Bathroom Cabinet With Veneer-Friendly Toothpaste And Mouthwash

Whitening toothpaste that you buy from the grocery store or pharmacy is very damaging to your new veneers – and your other teeth too! What's responsible for the whitening action of these toothpastes? Check the ingredients: they contain tiny granules of coarse minerals such as mica, which whiten your teeth by abrading the surface of your veneers and enamel. Over time, this causes very small pits to form in your teeth, which makes them more susceptible to stains in the future; these pits also provide a great place for bacteria to live in, which can have disastrous consequences for your dental health. If you need to use a whitening toothpaste, get the dentist's recommendation for a brand that won't damage the veneers.

Don't use alcohol-based mouthwash either. Alcohol weakens the bonding that attaches the porcelain veneers to the enamel, which increases the risk that the veneers detach and fall off. It'll also decrease the lifespan of your veneers; you'll have to replace them more often if you're regularly damaging the binding with an alcohol-based mouthwash.

Maintain Great Dental Health With Good Dental Hygiene

Keep up with your route dental hygiene habits; brush and floss regularly, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and waxed floss. Sonic brushes are safe to use on porcelain dental veneers, but ultrasonic scalers (used by dental hygienists when you come in for a routine cleaning) can easily scratch them, so make sure you inform the hygienist that you have porcelain veneers. Maintaining good dental hygiene is important; although the porcelain veneers themselves are impervious to cavities and decay, they don't fully protect your teeth in the same way that a crown would. Your natural teeth beneath the veneer can still get cavities, and poor dental hygiene can still lead to gum disease.

Take Care With Certain Foods, Like Nuts And Hard Candy

Although porcelain veneers are nearly as strong as your natural enamel, they are slightly more brittle. Applying excessive force to the veneers, like when you bite into apples, nuts, seeds, or hard candies, carries a risk of accidentally chipping them. Either avoid these foods or use an area of your mouth that doesn't have veneers to chew them.

Taking care of your porcelain veneers is as simple as that; only a few special considerations are required to keep them looking great for years to come. With their natural appearance and the simplicity of caring for them, porcelain dental veneers are a great choice for anyone looking for the perfect smile!
