Running around and playing is one of the joys that come with being a toddler. Sometimes the excitement can lead to an unexpectant trip and fall to the ground. If your toddler fell to the ground and chipped his or her tooth while playing, get it examine by a kid dentist to find out how it can be fixed. There are actually several ways to repair a chipped tooth, so the dentist will base the method used on how large the chip is. Browse this article for information about getting a toddler's chipped tooth repaired:

An Examination is the First Step

Your child's chipped tooth will be thoroughly examined by the dentist to determine how much damage was done. If the tooth is chipped beneath the gums, the dentist might want to perform an x-ray to ensure that the root wasn't affected. Suggestions will be made in regards to repairing the tooth based on how the examination turns out.

The Broken Part Can Be Reattached

If you still have the part of the tooth that broke up, take it with you to your child's appointment. It is possible that the dentist will be able to reattach the broken enamel. He or she will basically use a bonding agent to secure the tooth. The size of the chipped area will determine if it is ideal to reattach the natural enamel or not.

A Veneer Might Be Necessary

In some cases, placing a veneer on the chipped area of your child's enamel might be ideal. A veneer can make it appear as your child's tooth was never broken. A small amount of the natural enamel will be filed down before a veneer is attached. Your child will be able to eat with the veneer as though it is natural.

Filing & Shaping the Tooth Can Be Done

If the chipped area of your child's tooth is small, the dentist might recommend that the tooth is simply filed down. Filing will allow the dentist to smooth out sharp edges and make the tooth look good. Filing might also be ideal if a tooth is chipped that will eventually fall out so an adult tooth can grow in. No matter which method is used for repairing your toddler's chipped tooth, you can depend on the dentist making sure that your child is completely comfortable and that anesthesia is administered to relieve any pain that is involved.
