One of the reasons it's important to have regular dental care is so your dentist can find cavities when they're still small and before they become infected. When the root of your tooth becomes abscessed, a root canal may be necessary, and that adds to the cost of restoring your tooth. Plus, a large cavity might require a crown while a small one can be repaired with a filling. Here's information about dental fillings.

Dental Fillings In Front Teeth

The concern with a cavity in a front tooth is that the filling could be visible and have an effect on your smile. This isn't a problem when you have a resin composite or porcelain filling put in. These are white fillings that can be adjusted to match the color of your teeth. Porcelain has a more realistic look than resin, which could be important if the filling will be on the front of a tooth. However, porcelain is the more costly option.

One advantage of a porcelain filling is that it is cemented into place in a manner similar to a crown. That makes it more durable and it will usually last much longer than a resin filling. Resin fillings are a popular choice due to their affordability, plus they blend in with your natural tooth color well enough that they usually aren't too noticeable.

Dental Fillings For Back Teeth

When it comes to fillings for a back tooth, you have more options. Appearance is not as important as durability since the back teeth grind and chew. If you want a white filling in a back tooth, your dentist may recommend porcelain since resin may not be strong enough to last for several years. Silver amalgam is another option and has been a traditional filling choice for decades. It's strong and durable, but it has the drawback of being highly visible when you laugh or open your mouth wide enough.

Gold is a good filling choice for a back tooth. It is one of the most durable filling options and a gold filling should last for several years. The main drawback to a gold filling is the price. Gold costs much more than other types of fillings.

When a cavity is small, a filling is suitable because there's enough of your natural enamel to hold it in place. Once a cavity gets large enough, your dentist may not have the option of filling your tooth. Then, you're looking at treatments such as getting a crown or pulling the tooth and having an implant put in. You'll spend far less money and be inconvenienced less if you keep your regular dental appointments so a cavity can be caught and filled while it's still tiny. Contact a clinic, like Tijeras Dental Service, for more help.
